... could be many things.
The short version is that I love doing the following (in no particular order):
learn new things within the areas that interest me the most, which is webdesign, layout and drawing all on a Macintosh (couldn't live without my Mac)
doing webdesign
doing layouts
drawing and painting aquarells (though this is too time consuming and absorbing I tend to forget time when I do this and the time is sparse so I do it less than I would want to)
reading books, mainly Fantasy and Science Fiction and computer manuals, but also thrillers and fiction in general (I read a lot and usually carry a book with me wherever I go)
• watching movies mainly on TV, VHS or DVDs these days, occasionally in a movie house
travel though that is limited due to the cost
• knitting (it's relaxing)
writing (and not only emails which I write a lot as an active member of several mailinglists)
• taking long walks in town or in the woods or riding my citybike
relax in the sun (when its warm and there is a sun) reading a book
• typography and fonts
• interior decoration mainly in the form of reading magazines and watching TV-programs about it
• watching other peoples pictures, be they art, drawings or photos
• design and fashion mainly via TV programs

My citybike (2004) |

The Tjäder is a large bird that live in the forests. This is what it looks like. This is the male bird.
The birds name in latin is tetras urogallus.
Tjäder is my familyname.