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Classmates 1954-1955 | 1956-1957 | 1960-1961 | 1961–1962 | Reunion Sep 1992

My class, 1961 – 1962

Sofia Kommunla flickskola - class of 1961-61

All the classmates from Sofia Kommunala Flickskola (also knewn as Aphuset, the Monkey House) for the years 1961 – 1962 in class 7:7B.

Here everyone is photographed separately, with names. Makes it much easier to remember the names of people. I am in the second from the left in the last row. Ninna is to the left of me. Ulla in the first row, 3rd from the left. The girl marked with a cross, drowned and died that year.

Compare these images with the group-photo from the reunion in 1992.
