How I remember Rolf
I got to know Rolf in the early sixties. He was the most kind and friendly person. He told me about Israel and because of what he told me, I got interested in Israel and later went there myself several times. Rolf also introduced me to classical music and taught me to listen to it. The first record he made me listen to was Partitas 1.2 by J.S Bach. He later gave me the record. I still have it.

We spent a lot of time talking in the Tetley tea-house in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm during the summers and in cafés in the winters and also met frequently nights in the various jazzclubs in Stockholm Old Town in the sixties where we all spent lots of time those years.
Somehow we later lost contact but occasionally ran into each other in town.
Rolf was an artist. Among other things he made statues and other largish things for parks, but also paintings and drawings and graphical prints. I last met him in the subway in 1998. The same very kind person as ever. I didn't know he died till I read about a retrospective exhibition of his graphical prints in spring 2002. Even if we didn't see each other a lot in grown-up life, each time we met there was still contact and we knew we were still friends.