This is the donkey/mule-road in Santorini town seen from above.
For some reason I one day decided to walk down this way.
The problem is, the donkeys/mules come running up or down all the time, loaded with either/or tourists or luggage from the large cruising ships that dock below.
These mules/donkeys look really mean when you meet them on their road with their donkey/mule-drivers running after them (down) or riding them (up).
Walking down this way and it is a long way fast became unpleasant as you had to get out of the way from the donkeys/mules when they came. They always came in groups of about 5-10 and in between it was empty. So between each group you had to hurry to the next place where you could get off the road while they passed.
I made it to the bottom at last. I decided there and then that I would never again walk down a road made for the donkeys/mules. After that experience I also no longer particularly like donkeys/mules that much. They are mean animals.....