For Mac NerdsMacintosh 20 years |
Macintosh 20 years 1984 2004
In honor of the Macs 20th birthday Apple has refreshed the advertisment movie named 1984 that was made for the original launching on the 24th January 1984 and which, according to Steve Jobs, was only showed once. The difference between the movies then and now is that it is much better quality in the new one and that the girl that runs up to the podium has an iPod... (links to the movies below). The following were the specifications for the Macintosh 128K according to (also note their comment at the end of the text): Macintosh 128k Codename: Macintosh Released with much fanfare in January of 1984, the Macintosh was the first affordable computer to include a Graphical User Interface. It was built around the new Motorola 68000 chip, which was significantly faster than previous processors, running at 8 MHz. The Mac came in a small beige case with a black and white monitor built in. It came with a keyboard and mouse, and had a floppy drive that took 400k 3.5" disks--the first personal computer to do so. It originally sold for $2,495. - end of quote